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Terms and Conditions

Terms of use of electronic and smart services

Your visit to and use of the Dubai Judicial Council website (the Judicial Council Website) is subject to the following terms and conditions, in addition to the laws of the Emirate of Dubai and the federal laws in force in the United Arab Emirates. By visiting the website, you agree to these terms and conditions, whether you are a registered user or not.

By visiting, browsing and using the Judicial Council website, you have accepted, without restriction or condition, the terms and conditions of use contained in this document

Purpose and goal

We welcome you as a user of the electronic and smart services of the “Judicial Council Website”. We invite you to read these terms and conditions carefully... through which we aim to define the principles and obligations necessary for the fruitful use of electronic and smart services available on electronic and smart media through a statement of the user’s obligations and terms of use.


The following is intended in this agreement:

Digital & smart services It is the electronic and smart services provided by the Judicial Council to subscribed users or other users - in any electronic or smart form.

The User

It is anyone who has access to all content and materials available on the official website of the Judicial Council or to deal with them in any way. Whether this is done through the use of his own service account (the user name and password provided to him), in which case he is called a joint user. Or to be a non-subscribed user


It means all the contents of the service, including software, databases, and the data files, written texts, images of documents, or other pictorial or written materials it contains

An acknowledgment of accepting and adhering to the terms and accepting the amended and updated terms

By accessing any of the Judicial Council’s electronic services, the user has accepted the terms of use included in this agreement, and the General Secretariat of the Judicial Council reserves the right to review the aforementioned conditions at any time and announce any amendment or change in those conditions, and publish them on the official website of the Judicial Council.
The user is responsible for periodically checking any modifications, and continuing to use electronic services in light of any modifications to the terms contained therein is considered acceptance by the user of those modified terms and conditions.

The scope of the service and the authority of the Dubai Courts to amend it

The General Secretariat of the Judicial Council works to update its hardware and software in a manner consistent with its policy and customers’ aspirations for its services. Any electronic services created later will be subject to the terms of service in effect at the time of their creation, unless otherwise agreed upon in a written agreement. The General Secretariat of the Judicial Council reserves the right at any time to modify, cancel or suspend, without prior notice, any part of the services, and the user agrees that the General Secretariat of the Judicial Council will not be responsible towards him in any way due to any of the above.

Controls for user registration in and access to the electronic services of the General Secretariat of the Judicial Council

The user is obligated to provide all the information required to register correctly. And update its data in the event of any change to it. The General Secretariat of the Judicial Council reserves the right, at its discretion, to accept or reject his request for registration. As of the date of acceptance of his registration, he will be responsible for all uses of his account and for all accesses to electronic services through his username and password.

He is committed not to disclose them, share the use of the service, or assign them to any other party. He is also obligated to notify the General Secretariat of the Judicial Council immediately in the event of loss of his account data or user name or any unauthorized use of his account.

He must ensure that he exits his account after completing his activities, and any damages he suffers as a result of not adhering to this will be his full responsibility. He will be responsible for any false statements, incorrect or fraudulent information sent from him via electronic media and smart media for our services.

He shall comply with all applicable national or international laws and regulations, including those related to the transmission of data, and shall verify that the subject matter, content, and terms of information, e-mail, and advertising or other content thereof do not contain, without limitation, hate-filled, vulgar, obscene, insulting, deceptive, or illegal. Or violate the intellectual property rights of any party.

Intellectual property rights

The Judicial Council alone owns all rights to all content available on its electronic services, and it alone has the right to dispose of them. The user is prohibited from using or displaying these contents for other purposes or for any reason other than those that are completely consistent with the terms of service defined in this agreement or without written permission or an official statement to do so. .

And that he will be legally responsible for any violation or breach of any of these rights. In the event of any violation or breach by a third party of these rights or the user’s intellectual property rights related to the content sent from him to the General Secretariat of the Judicial Council or a breach of the intellectual property rights of others, please inform us of it. immediately.

Controls for the use of electronic services and smart services

The user bears responsibility for the accuracy of the information he enters through the Judicial Council website as a user of the services performed through it, and acknowledges that the data and transactions he enters are dealt with without any additional review, and the Judicial Council has no responsibility towards the user in the event of an error in the data that is entered. Enter it.

The service subscriber’s use of the user name and password provided to him through this agreement is considered his official signature on all electronic transactions and requests that he submits and uses and is officially recognized by the Judicial Council. The electronic records of the General Secretariat of the Judicial Council are considered a reference to prove the carrying out of these electronic transactions.

The user is prohibited from sending by e-mail any software or other viruses with the intention of damaging files, data, software, computer hardware and systems, or communication equipment.

He is also prohibited from sending, publishing or reproducing any content that he is not authorized to use, or that violates or violates the intellectual property rights of others.

The user is prohibited from impersonating any person, misidentifying himself or using another user’s account without permission from that user. The user is prohibited from copying, reproducing, publishing, or selling all or some of the services for commercial purposes without written permission from the General Secretariat of the Judicial Council.

He is also prohibited from using the Services in a manner that violates any applicable national or international laws or violates any Internet-related protocols.

The General Secretariat may transfer or delete, at its sole discretion, any content or information if it is deemed objectionable by it for any reason, such as violating any condition of the current terms of service or any applicable law or instructions related to it, or placed by previous violating users without permission. Informing the General Secretariat of the Judicial Council in advance of their identities.

Technical support

The General Secretariat of the Judicial Council is committed to providing the required technical support to ensure the availability of service and technical assistance during the official working hours of the General Secretariat of the Judicial Council. This does not include the evening period.

Scope of responsibility

The user acknowledges that the data he writes down related to his name, password, domicile, phone number, e-mail, or any other data are all considered means of identification that determine his identity, and that any operations carried out using these means are considered to be issued by the user as his electronic signature, and the General Secretariat is considered For the Judicial Council, any person who uses these means is the user. The user is also responsible for all operations that are carried out using his identification means and responsible for any change, loss or transfer of any of these means to others until the time in which the General Secretariat of the Judicial Council is able to Stopping any violation of this data based on written notification from the user. The General Secretariat of the Judicial Council is not responsible for revealing the confidentiality of this data that may occur as a result of the user’s misuse or if this is done through electronic piracy operations.

The General Secretariat of the Judicial Council is also not responsible for any damages arising from: loss of data, delay in operations for technical reasons, or the content of third-party websites that are accessed through the electronic services it provides. Or for viruses that disrupt access to the Service or incompatibility between the Service and other services, software and hardware. Or for the delay or failure due to the user in starting or completing the connection, or the misuse or inability to use the electronic services provided, or the content, information, or any other materials displayed on other sites that are accessed through a link to the network (web). Available through the Judicial Council’s electronic portal, and it will not be responsible for its use of the services of those other sites

Suspension or termination of the service

The General Secretariat of the Judicial Council may be forced to temporarily suspend the service for operational reasons such as systems maintenance, development, or modernization of services or for other emergency reasons without prior notice or specifying the duration of the service suspension. Any violation by the user of any of the current terms of service will lead to the closure of his account or the immediate termination of all operations related to it without prior notice.

Evacuation responsibilaty

The user understands and agrees that he bears responsibility for using and accessing the Judicial Council website and viewing the materials it contains. The General Secretariat of the Judicial Council or its employees do not guarantee that the Judicial Council website or the materials it contains will not stop working or that they will be free from impurities, deficiencies or errors, nor does it guarantee any results that the user may obtain from the Judicial Council website.

The contents of the Judicial Council’s website and its services are presented as they are, without any kind of guarantee, whether express or implied, including but not limited to a guarantee of ownership, commercial value, suitability for any purpose, any use, or a guarantee of the availability of the latest copy.

Limitation of liability

In no event shall the General Secretariat of the Judicial Council or any of its employees be liable for incidental, indirect, special, punitive, exemplary or arising damages that result from your use or inability to use the Judicial Council website, including but not limited to, Loss of income or expected profit, loss of goodwill, loss of business, loss of data, downtime or malfunction of computers or any other damages.